Thursday, 13 November 2008


*dusts off the cobwebs from his blog*

Sorry for not looking after you my wee blog :D I've been laz.. I mean busy! yeah! thats right! busy! *cough*

Anyways, i'm frantically packing/procrastinating as i'm flying out to the States later this evening :) I've brought some stuff to upload and blog about from the past few months of work ive been creating (kinda ironic that im going to be bringing my files across to the other side of the world just to blog about them from there when i could of just blogged from NZ if i had not been so laz.. Busy *cough*

Anyways :D so yay! time to go procrastinate more then stress when i have to leave! woop woop :)

1 comment:

Garth M said...

Ah, I thought it odd you hadn't blogged about your trip, yet :P