Thursday, 18 June 2009

Lou Pimentel interveiwed on I Heart Cool

Artist Series: Lou Pimentel from I Heart Cool Stuff on Vimeo.

My good friend's Sakiwaki and GrimSanto from have started doing an Artist Series of interviews, starting with the ever-so-awesome Lou Pimentel! I remember meeting Lou on DeviantArt (.. yeah big woop wanna fight about it?) soo many years ago :) Click here to go to, read/watch the article and enter the contest, because, who doesnt want some original Lou artwork? (cos i sure do!)

(p.s. If i'm ever in NY and you find your lego Thesis peices missing Lou.. i didnt steal it. *heh*)


The_Gnarled_Branch said...

I met Lou as well on DA...great artist and a great guy!

essay best said...

Good post, This is really good initiative and will allow me to know morea bout the artists. Going to bookmark your post to have view of more interviews. Thank you for sharing it